
backup-database — backup Interchange databases, even rows selectively


Attribute Pos. Req. Default Description
tables Yes Yes Tables to back-up
force false Force export even if NoExportExternal would apply to this table?
dir BACKUP_DIRECTORY or CATROOT/backup/ Backup directory to dump database contents to
gnumeric 0 Save all backed databases to a gnumeric file DBDOWNLOAD.all in the backup directory?
xls 0 Save all backed databases to a Microsoft Excel file DBDOWNLOAD.xls in the backup directory? This option requires Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Perl module.
max_xls_string 255 Maximum length of a field within the Microsoft Excel .xls format
where An additional WHERE= SQL clause to selectively back-up only parts of databases
compress 0 GZip output backup files? This option requires Compress:Zlib Perl module.
interpolate     0 interpolate output?
hide     0 Hide the tag return value?


The tag allows database backups. Databases are dumped into the backup directory, and named after their corresponding source files (taken from Database definitions).

The tag can also produce dumps in gnumeric or Microsoft Excel formats.


This tag appears to be affected by, or affects, the following:
Catalog Variables: BACKUP_DIRECTORY


Example: Backing-up the products database

For this example to work, CATROOT/backup/ directory must exist:

  [tmp name=backup set="[backup-database tables=products]" hide=1]
  [scratch ui_error]


The backup directory, whichever it is, must exist before [backup-database] is called.


backup-database is available in Interchange versions:

4.6.0-5.9.0 (git-head)


Interchange 5.9.0:

Source: code/UI_Tag/backup_database.coretag
Lines: 238

# Copyright 2002-2016 Interchange Development Group and others
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.  See the LICENSE file for details.

UserTag backup-database Order    tables
UserTag backup-database AddAttr
UserTag backup-database Version  1.12
UserTag backup-database Routine  <<EOR
sub {
my ($tables, $opt) = @_;
my (@tables) = grep /\S/, split /['\s\0]+/, $tables;
my $backup_dir =  $opt->{dir}
        || $::Variable->{BACKUP_DIRECTORY}
        || "$Vend::Cfg->{VendRoot}/backup";
my $gnum   = $opt->{gnumeric};
my $agg = "$backup_dir/DBDOWNLOAD.all";

my $Max_xls_string = 255;

eval {
  require Compress::Zlib;
} if $opt->{compress};

my $xls;

if ($opt->{xls}) {
  eval {
    require Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
    import Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
    $xls = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("$backup_dir/DBDOWNLOAD.xls");
  if ($xls) {
    if ($opt->{max_xls_string}) {
      $Max_xls_string = int($opt->{max_xls_string}) || 255;
      $xls->{_xls_strmax} = $Max_xls_string;
  else {
    undef $opt->{xls};

my $gz;

my @errors;

if($gnum) {
  open (AGG, ">$agg")
    or die "Cannot write aggregate file $agg; $!\n";
my $done = 0;
for my $table (@tables) {
  my $unlink;
  my $db = Vend::Data::database_exists_ref($table);
  my $fn = $db->config('file');
  $fn =~ s:.*/::;
  my $file = "$backup_dir/$fn";
  my $status;
  local $Vend::Cfg->{NoExportExternal} if $opt->{force};
  eval {
    $status = export(
            force => 1,
            table => $table,
            file => $file,
            type => 'TAB',
            where => $opt->{where},

  if(! $status) {
    push @errors,
          "Error exporting %s to %s: %s",
          $@ || 'unspecified',

  if($opt->{compress}) {
    my $new = "$file.gz";
    my $gz;
    eval {
      $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($new, "wb")
        or die errmsg("error compressing %s to %s: %s", $new, $agg, $!);
      open(ZIN, $file)
        or die errmsg("error opening %s: %s", $file, $!);
      while(<ZIN>) {
          or die
            errmsg("gzwrite error on %s: %s", $new, $gz->gzerror());
      close ZIN;
    if($@) {
      push @errors, $@;
    $unlink = 1;
  if($gnum) {
    print AGG "\f" if $done;
    print AGG "$table\n";
    open(RECENT, $file)
      or do {
        push @errors,
          errmsg("Can't read written file %s: %s", $file, $!);
    while(<RECENT>) {
      /\t/ and s/^/'/ and
          s/\t( *\d[^\t]*[-A-Za-z ])/\t'$1/g
      print AGG;
    close RECENT;
  if($xls) {
    my $sheet = $xls->addworksheet($table);
    $sheet->{_xls_strmax} = $Max_xls_string
      if defined $opt->{max_xls_string};
    $sheet->activate($table) if $table eq $Vend::Cfg->{ProductFiles}[0];
    open(RECENT, $file)
      or do {
        push @errors,
          errmsg("Can't read written file %s: %s", $file, $!);
    my $fstring = <RECENT>;
    chomp $fstring;
    my @fields = split /\t/, $fstring;
    my $maxcol = scalar @fields - 1;
    my $j;
    for($j = 0; $j <= $maxcol; $j++) {
      $sheet->write_string(0, $j, $fields[$j])
        if length $fields[$j];
    my $i = 1;
    while(<RECENT>) {
      my @extra;
      my @overflow;
      @fields = split /\t/, $_;
      for($j = 0; $j <= $maxcol; $j++) {
        my $l = 0;
        my $ptr;
        if ( length($fields[$j]) > $Max_xls_string) {
          $overflow[$j] = $fields[$j];
          $extra[$j] = [];
          while ( length($overflow[$j]) > $Max_xls_string) {
            for( ' ', "\n", "&nbsp;" ) {
              $ptr = rindex $overflow[$j], $_, $Max_xls_string;
#::logDebug("char='$_' ptr=$ptr length=" . length($overflow[$j]) ) if $l < 10;
              last if $ptr != -1;
#::logDebug("char='$_' ptr=$ptr\nstring=$overflow[$j]") if $l++ < 10;

            $ptr = 254 if $ptr < 0;

            my $string = substr $overflow[$j], 0, $ptr;
            $overflow[$j] = substr $overflow[$j], $ptr;
            push @{$extra[$j]}, $string;
          push @{$extra[$j]}, $overflow[$j];
          $fields[$j] = shift @{$extra[$j]};
        $sheet->write_string($i, $j, $fields[$j]);
      if(@extra) {
        my $max = 0;
        for(@extra) {
          next unless $_;
          my $current = scalar @$_;
          $max = $current if $max < $current;
        for (my $k = 0; $k < $max; $k++) {
          for( $j = 0; $j < scalar @extra; $j++) {
            next unless $_;
            $sheet->write_string($i, $j, $extra[$j][$k]);
    close RECENT;

  unlink($file) if $unlink;
  undef $unlink;

close AGG if $opt->{compress};

if($opt->{compress} and $gnum and $gnum =~ /^compress/i) {
  my $file = $agg;
  my $new = "$file.gz";
  eval {
    my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($new, "wb")
      or die errmsg("error compressing %s to %s: %s", $new, $agg, $!);
    open(ZIN, $file)
      or die errmsg("error opening %s: %s", $file, $!);
    while(<ZIN>) {
        or die
          errmsg("gzwrite error on %s: %s", $new, $gz->gzerror());
    close ZIN;
  if($@) {
    push @errors, $@;
  else {
if(@errors) {
  $::Scratch->{ui_error} = '<ul><li>';
  $::Scratch->{ui_error} .= join "</li>\n<li>", @errors;
  $::Scratch->{ui_error} .= '</li></ul>';
return $opt->{hide} ? "" : $done;


Interchange Development Group



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